Sunday, May 1, 2011

The simple things

Yesterday, I bought a lamp. It wasn't a particularly attractive lamp. The lamp itself was white. This is how I feel about white:

Ok, maybe I don't feel that strongly about the color white, but it isn't exactly what I want to decorate my house with, and isn't especially what I wanted for the lamp color. Oh, and to top the lamp off, there was a not so wonderful baby blue lampshade to go with it. The lamp itself could have looked cute in a nursery or something, but I don't have a baby, which means no nursery either. 

So, I didn't like any of the colors on the lamp. I did, however, really like the design on it.

I forgot to take a picture of the top part, but it's got this leafy carve design thing. Horrible explanation, I know, but you can sort of see it in the picture, and I have a close up of it finished. 

Well, after much inspiration from lovely blogs such as The Painted Hive and Funky Junk Interiors and about 600 others, I decided to see the potential in a cheap item instead of spending $30 plus on one table lamp. So I took a trip to the store, got some sandpaper and paint, and went to town on it. I decided to paint the base black. I love how it turned out. 

It was a small and simple change, but I feel like it makes a big difference. As for the lampshade...I have plans for that. I'll post more on that later when I finish it. 

The total cost for everything was just under $10, which is a pretty good deal if you ask me. I can't wait to recover the lamp shade and put it to good use.